Better Self Esteem? Practice The Inner Smile

Better Self Esteem? Practice The Inner Smile

Apr 02, 2021

If you want better self-esteem you can have it!
But before you watch the practice video it may be useful to know some things about self-esteem.


There is a researcher whose name is Martin Seligman who is a famous psychologist popularized in the 90’s famous for his research on learned helplessness.

I can report from the trauma research I’ve studied over the past 23 years his theory is brilliant.

Read about it. It’s life-changing.

The essence of his teaching and research is that we can become conditioned to believe ANYTHING.
That your personal beliefs and environments train you to think a certain way.
The take-away here is it was conditioned into you.
Any belief or habituated pattern quite literally is the programming of our brain-body neuro-cicuitry to follow certain pathways until the pattern becomes normalized.

Think of it as…

Low Self Esteem = Conditioned Neuro-Circuits

If you read any of my articles on the implicit memory system you can relate to this model.

It also relates well to Dr. Bruce Lipton’s famous research on belief systems. The book is called The Biology Of a Belief.

While it’s a bit difficult read ... it’s gold!

The Connection Between Self Esteem and Relationships

So what does this have to do with better self-esteem and relationships?
If you have low self-esteem, chances are, your relationship is suffering.
Low self-esteem is a by-product of many things.

It could be you were not validated as a child, abused, or any early trauma that caused you to "pull inward" compromising your ability to explore. When you don't explore, you don't get the needed experiences to feel confident in the world. We need a trial and error time in our life BEFORE we leave home. Without it, you will not feel confident about yourself.

You get the idea…

Reprogramming For Better Self-Esteem

Many of you who know me, know I trained in the martial arts for many years.

During that period of intense practice, I was attracted to the internal martial arts called tai chi and chi kung.

One of my favorite exercises that improve self-esteem and self-love is called the “inner smile” practice.

This particular exercise is so good I immediately teach it to clients who I know suffer from low self-esteem in my coaching practice.

No Magic Pill

As far as I know, there is no magic pill for healing low self-esteem.
But this practice is the closest thing to it.

The fast track to healing low self-esteem is to practice self-love. The inner smile practice will systematically teach you this.

This doesn’t mean there are not other great tools, I’ve just found this to be one of the fastest.

When practiced regularly, the Inner Smile quite literally re-programs you to release negative emotions about yourself.

For now, use The Inner Smile to cultivate a deep sense of centering and resilience in your body and to shift your negative-false belief about yourself.

Use it to shift from negative self-talk to optimism.

Be Patient

Remember this, nothing happens overnight.

You’ve probably been practicing negative thinking for a long time so don’t get frustrated if you don’t see immediate results.

Now, if you have not done so already, go watch the video above then come back and read this bonus tip.

Better Self-Esteem "Secret Sauce" Tip #2

When you are frustrated because you are not getting the results you want it may be a sign you are tapping into an unconscious fear of change or a limiting belief.

That’s right.

The brain doesn’t like to change… even when the change is positive. The brain likes things that are familiar.

Most people never make it past this stage of personal growth.
To get to real change you must sustain your new habit through thick or thin!
If you make your desire to improve your self-esteem non-negotiable you'll get better results.

NEVER give up and over time your new conscious desire will prevail and re-write the unconscious script you took on when you were younger.

I know because I’m one of those people who thought I was born a loser. And I overcame it through many of the practices I share in my articles and programs.

Give it 90-days

Take the time to watch the video and practice the Inner Smile daily for at least 90-days and I guarantee you will notice a change in your daily outlook about yourself. (hint: it’s especially good to practice it just before bedtime)

Caution. You may experience intense moments of ecstasy while doing this practice. Enjoy it but don’t slow down your practice because you think you’ve “done the work”.
These mini “breakthroughs” are common but they are only indicators related to a bigger problem that is beginning to fall apart. More on that later…

As you practice “belief-changing” exercises you may go through stages deep despair or heightened ecstasy. Realize now these patterns are normal when old worn-out conditioned patterns are falling away side.

So hang in there! Agreed?

Okay, watch the video and place your comments below and develop a daily practice.
Make it as equally important as drinking water.

In fact, I challenge you to practice every day for 10 minutes for 90 days just to see what might happen. Use a journal to write down your discoveries.

Consider bookmarking this page then come back and report what you discovered. It will inspire others I’m sure.

Many blessings on your journey.

P.S. If you'd like to know more about my online martial arts training program head over here.