Attracting Your Ideal Partner Gets Easier

Attracting Your Ideal Partner Gets Easier

Apr 02, 2021

In the ideal world we want our attention to be fully present with whatever we are working on – this is especially true when you have plans for attracting your ideal partner. When we dilute our attention with other thoughts, we have split focus and others can sense we are not present or available for them.

Let’s look at an example. Have you ever been in the middle of trying to solve a problem and someone comes up and says something to you and you heard them talking but you really weren't tracking what they said, and when you realized this you asked them to repeat themselves?

Well much of the time we are doing smaller versions of this and don't realize it. Others often see it and feel it when around us but much of the time we can't see it ourselves. This can be thoughts from the past that occupy our minds or things related to the present.

If you are still stuck in fears or issues from the past, get help to clear that up. If you are overwhelmed with things in the present, then maybe consider the impact it has on attracting your ideal partner or the impact it has on your current relationship.

There are many practices that can help you with your awareness about this and how to manage but I will cover that in later tips.

Lets Recap Essentials For Attracting The Ideal Partner:

  • If you want to attract the partner of your dreams or take your current relationship to the next level, be really present with people you connect with. This will send them the message you are emotionally available.
  • Clean up the past by getting help from a coach or therapists to let go of what you might be hanging on to.
  • Clean up the present by improving your work life balance skills and separating your work life from your social life.

Homework For Attracting Your ideal Partner:

  • Take the challenge to write down what is occupying your mind during the day. What do you think about all the time?
  • What is current and what is maybe related to a belief or obsession from the past that is no longer serving your best interest.
  • Ask yourself what can I do to let that go?

Then take action and notice how you feel. If you are preoccupied with the present what can you do to have more balance or to disconnect from work so when you are with others you are really there emotionally and mentally?

For more information on attracting the ideal relationships be sure to go to and participate in the 5-week Quick Start audio program.

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...and many blessings on your life journey.